
Worship is central to our lives as disciples of Jesus Christ and is an important ministry that we take part in together. In Worship we hear the proclamation of the good news of Jesus Christ, we receive God’s gifts of grace through the sacraments (Holy Communion and Baptism), we pray together for God’s Church and we sing and hear inspiring music that lifts our hearts towards God. Trinity Worships in a style that will seem very familiar to many Christians throughout the world.
Our music comes from all over the world and reflects the rich diversity of our Lutheran heritage while also engaging new styles and varieties from around the world. We follow the traditional four part Ordo (order in Latin) of Gathering, Word, Meal, Sending. Our preaching is lively, informal and connects to our daily life. We have a high regard for the sacraments and welcome ALL to the table for Holy Communion each week.
We worship at Trinity at 8:30am and 10:30am each Sunday morning. During Advent and Lent we offer mid-week services at 7pm
Through our worship together we are recharged and inspired to go forth into the world in order to do the work of God. We are called to be the hands and feet of Christ in the world and Micah’s commission to “do justice, love kindness and walk humbly with our God” is a challenge that we try to meet each and every week here at Trinity. Our Ministry is primarily focused on raising awareness of the needs within our community, partnering with local and state organizations to do the work of justice and mercy in our community.

To do this we partner with…
-Tarrant community of churches
-Presbyterian Night Shelter
–Lutheran World Federation
–Lutheran World Relief
On the second Tuesday of each month we host a “game night” at the presbyterian night shelter! For information about this and other outreach opportunities follow us on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram @TLCFW.

Christian education is another important ministry priority for us here at Trinity Lutheran Church. We provide comprehensive Sunday School education for ages 2 through grade 6. Sunday school takes place between services starting at 9:15am. Confirmation (or Affirmation of Baptism) is offered for students in grades 7 and 8. Confirmation meets bi-montly on Sunday morning after the 10:30 Service. For Adults we offer three classes on various topics that meet between the services. During the program year, we meet on Wednesday nights we meet in the Fellowship Hall for a free meal at 5:30pm followed by worship at 6pm and then small groups till 7pm.
For more information, specific dates and times and “up to the minute” announcements on these (and many more) ministries be sure to follow us on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram @TLCFW!